Tuesday, 7 October 2014

MA Individual Project - 07/10

We were told today that we had to start thinking about our Individual Project and start planning out how and what we were going to be researching. Clinton said it is a practical based MA (test through practice). I think this means think of a question about design that you want to explore, then; research, plan, devlop and test the theories you have presented and then from that create a final piece that represents that research.

Individual Project Form -  This is designed to frame the project in a sumation.

Title: Needs to have a hook (a catchy title) and a subtitle which is explanitory.

Main Design Related Subject: Has to show the subject areas you will be exploring. (Can be more than one)

Expected Output:
Think of relevant questions about the subject you would like to explore and answer.
Needs to be discriptive of the key apects of my proposal.
Needs to include what the outcome will be, something created, such as a website or magasine
This is the main area where you explain what your researching, why and how that will produce something

Keywords: 6 key word that link to your project and pull a theme together

Concerns: This is where to describe the hurdles you might face when creating your project, for example; time restraint, lack of prior knowledge etc. For me it might be a lack of programmin skills.

Relevant Image: Not just any image will do. It should be a visual summation of your project. Thought about carefully. It can be pre-existing or it can be created by you.

Resource Implications: Here you describe what resources you might need to use in order to complete you project. This is just so they can allocate resources and plan with you how to best use them.

The deadline for a hand in of this Porject form is around the 21st October. This a soft deadline.

Initial Project Idea:

(Working Title) Deconstructing Websites: User interaction understood? 

Key aspect to this project:

Research: Where has web design evolved from; HTMLs evolution from print, traditonal print layout structures and why they appeal, legacy systems influence on current design and web design conventions, velocity and the speed of life/how computers changed the way humans think and behave, colour phycology RGB/CMYK, interface resriction on what is possible, the future possibilites of web design including the transfer from desktop to other media; mobile, tablet etc, commerical application and practice; what consumers like and don't like.

Outcome: A digital design peice that draws on these question, comments on them and highlights the commercial value and application.

I think the best way to approach this will be to do as much research as possible. I'm going to get my head around the history first and then look at the evolution of the industry. That, I think, will give me a good grounding when it comes to starting to look at layout and why certain things work and why certain things don't.

I will update this blog as I go with timelines, references and material relevant to my question.

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