Saturday, 4 October 2014

MA Collaborative Projects Online Research


Links and synopsis:

This article explains how there is an influx of technology into our everyday lives.

"The virtual and physical worlds are colliding. Information technology is creeping into everyday objects like cars, fridges and even park benches, turning them into devices and apps that monitor our behavior and communicate with each other."

It talks about how inventors/brands can no longer compete creating products that just have a material, real world function, but that they must have an intrinsic value in the digital world. Whether that be with just an online presence or going further having the product perform a function digitally. Either by uploading information to the cloud or even products communicating with the user or other products.

This article discusses the introduction of digital technologies into the classroom and talks specifically about its impact on design, both positively and negatively. The conclusion seems to be that whilst technology can help students reach goals quicker and experiment with new processes, that there is a worry that the tech is being used not only as a tool but also as a solution for creative briefs. It question whether there is too much technology for a student to learn in order to be effective as a whole and insists that the emphasis should still be on the students ability to generate creative solution rather than gain experience and knowledge lots of different software.

This article discusses five new technology trends that are influencing design. Monitoring software, robots to films things we couldn't do before, 3d printing allowing people to become the creators, biological designers that are creating biological components and say goodbye to pitching for projects to multimillionaires, crowd funding allows the populous to have a say on the next big thing.

This article looks at the negatives of perfecting design. We live in a world thought out and structured to appeal to a mass market. We are surrounded by seamless campaigns, design elements that complement each other and symmetry. This has been created through sharing ideas and finding the right way to design to appeal to the audience. The article challenges this and says that in a world of perfection, imperfection is king.

Here they look at the collaboration of designers and computer programers that produce cutting edge wearable fashion. These pieces have a link with technology and are created in order to improve the wearer/users experience. They extrapolate this into the possibilities of using this collaborative mindset to produce results in different media, such as; architecture, manufacturing and city planning.

This company is discussed in the article above, they sole aim is to utilise technology and consumer behaviour/attitudes to find out what the consumer wants, as well as what the client wants.... They call it the "win-win" solution.

This company take it even further, they say that the next step in computing is integrating computers into our lives so they are intuitive, flexible and barely noticeable. A good example is room-e, this allows the user to interact with their computer through everyday objects, using visual cues/gestures, audio commands and intelligent motion sensors. There are a lot of products that, given fine tuning and time could easily change the way designer work and consumers interact with the space around them. This is by far the most impressive example I've found of design integrating with the digital world.

Here is a talk John Maeda did on how technology and design are both as important as each other.

This PDF discusses an overview of the next big trends in design across a multitude of areas, from architecture, product design and technology.

This is the type of work that will revolutionise user interaction, again, making it feel intuitive and flexible.

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