Answers Nick - Blue / Sam - Red
- Do you feel test 1's original large scale illustration has the same look and feel as test 1 small scale illustration?
Yes. The second version said the same thing but in a more condensed way.
I think it had the same feel, but the look was slightly different as some elements needed to be compressed.
- Do you feel test 2's original large scale illustration has the same look and feel as test 2's small scale illustration?
It had the same look and feel, but the message was in two parts. Because in this version I knew it would be in two parts before I did it.
Yes, more so than test 1, as I used the larger scale images more as a sketchpad for the smaller one.
- What elements did you feel were important when transferring the designs to a smaller canvas in order to make sure they maintained their look and feel?
The message is more important than the look and feel, so long as it was conveying part of the same story then it works.
I tired to consider key elements which optimised the theme. i.e. waves and bubbles, then culled the less relevant info like the large scale images.
- When you downsized your illustrations to small scale, how did you feel the scale of the canvas affected your illustration? For both exercises rate out of 10 how important scale was. (10 being extremely important, 0 being not important at all.)
6 (no further additions)
8 In order to make the test make sense I had to consider how it fitted down into the smaller one. Where as I had more free rain on the larger scale, this meant I had to consider how the image and text interplayed more.
- When you downsized your illustrations to small scale, how did you feel the orientation of the canvas affected your illustration? For both exercises rate out of 10 how important orientation was. (10 being extremely important, 0 being not important at all.)
10 (no further additions)
8 I had to stack the images in a way that made sense. i.e. placing a boat at the bottom wouldn't have made sense with fish above it.
- Did you feel less constricted in test 1 than test 2?
I was more constricted in test one because I didn't consider that it would be reduced down.
In test 1 I could compose the space more freely
- What effect did that have on the creative process?
The second version where I knew that it would be in two versions was more interesting. It gave me the chance to do a call and response.
I felt the process became more linear and structured on the second test but the limitation gave me more to work with.
- Did you feel you predetermined a simplified design for test 2's initial illustration in preparation for the scale of test 2's small scale canvas?
I knew that the style would have to work over two sizes. It wasn't restrictive. I just had to be flexible.
I definitely had more consideration over how I would change the image.
- How did the knowledge of the exercises outcomes affect test 2?
I thought about two designs at the same time rather than just one.
I feel the image made more sense.
- Did that hinder or focus your creativity in any way?
It was neither you have to be creative with the information you have in front of you. It's up to you how creative you are.
I think it focused my creativity.
Further Comments:
This ain't over.
I preferred working with the second image, but I think I would have liked it less if I hadn't used the larger scale image first.
Notes during process:
Test 1
Nick decided to reduce the information and imagery. This left him with the most important elements left to him. By going through this process it is encouraging him to distill the creative idea to its base elements. This thinking is only required once the original illustration was done, leaving him free to be as creative as he likes initaially.
Sam did the same but with less steructure applied to it, leaving him more free to fill the canvas both times. (omission: in test one he forgot the fact that it was an illustration and just doodled through it)
Test 2
Nicks test two has been created with elements that are not affected by scale and orientation. He has also ignored some of the tasks objective to suit the idea of working with two canvases.
Sams test two seems to be as complicated as in test one. However, when working on test 2 large scale piece he has clearly thought about the length of the small scale piece due to the depth of the water.
Notes after reviewing the process and participants answers.
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