Friday, 16 January 2015

Reference Notes

Graphic Design Theory

Pg 57 "solutions must respond to specific human motives and activities, conditions, and settings that may be viewed at a variety of scales or perspectives"

"While the nature of the context is beyond the designer immediate control, a primary design responsibility is to determine which factors, and how many factors, within that context the design will address."

"When it is not possible for a design to reconcile the inevitable array of competing priorities, we must decide to value some things as more important than others."

Look at the principles of gestalt psychology : Priciple of proximity, Principle of similarity, Principal of good communication, Principle of closure.

Pg 212

Thorburn and Jenkins - rethinking media change....

..." Suggest that periods of change are usually accomanied by heightened reflection as the new culture comes to grips with the challenges and opportunities introduced by new technology."

Pg 213

In contrast, emerging technologies also carry the burden of past assumptions and practices.

In the early days of he web, screen-based communication looked much like that of print... Unfortunately, much of this approach still remains in many commercial sites.

Pg 214

"Historically, graphic design practice has often focused on constructing visual representations of subject matter (text and image) in books and on signs and screens. In other words, it has focussed on the communicative arrangement of form in the space defined by physical artefacts. But new technologies shift our attention from the arrangement of content to the facilitation of behaviours and mediation of experiences in the environment itself, often without the users' conscious awareness of the mediation"


  Pictures on phone

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