Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Changing States: Contemporary Art and Ideas in a Global Arena

James Mellor
Tuesday Morning
4 November 2014

Changing States:
Contemporary Art and Ideas in a Global Arena

Speaker from - DACS Est 1984 - by artists, for artists dacs.org.uk 

Speaks about the changing pace of the art world. Talks about INOVA organisation.
Cover of a book for a INOVA conference.

The organisation formed in the 1990, when a large collection of multicultural artist
gathered together. During the time before this society was changing and fracturing into
two section. Creating a new identity.

Discusses various projects and explorations she has been involved in. 

Art requires; Time, patience, meticulous work and continual questioning. Art work
poses question not necessarily with any answers.
about the world.

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