Written piece 1500 words
Submission through turnitin and send a copy to Clinton via email
Write a bibliography - mention everything that you have researched: lectures (even if they haven't helped you directly talk about how they have encouraged you to seek alternatives), articles, books, Pecha Kucha, sites.
Talk about: practice, collaborative piece (how that went, findings specific to collaboration), Pecha Kucha, lectures.
Reference separately about quotes within text: use Harvard referencing system
Presentation 15mins 5mins Q&A
Script it and rehearse beforehand
Hard copies:
Mind maps - printed large, (do one on navigation)
Sketchbooks - Collated. Organise your process and methodology (post it note key section)
USB stick - practical work (bring computer to display and discuss)
Blog - show on computer (highlight main parts in presentation text)
Discuss problem and dilemmas as much as results and finding.
Root activity you've done under method and name your methodologies and use them in your presentation and written piece.
Self Observation
Juxtaposing digital and offline research
Deconstruction when referencing articles in sketchbook
Creat a glossary of terms, that way you remove the possibility of using a lot of jargon
Z layout- definition
F layout- definition
Evaluate your blog and sketchbook in written and presentation work: deceminate it